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1 min read
Pay attention to what you’re paying attention to
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God (Col...

1 min read
Elijah is taken to heaven
No matter how different people’s life course can be, it is always concluded by the sad refrain “and he died”. Not so with Elijah. 2 Kings...

2 min read
Strip off the excess
Strip off what is holding you from God’s work. Formula 1 cars are designed with speed in mind. Designers have invested so much in...

2 min read
Dorothy Day with Homeless Christ
Here is a powerful image called “Dorothy Day with Homeless Christ,” by Kelly Latimore and a quote from Dorothy Day: “I believe some...

3 min read
I am...
I hope that you find this kids message useful to you. Sometimes I think we can get caught up in the nitty gritty details of Jesus’ life...

4 min read
Annual Review
Feedback is complicated. Does anyone actually enjoy a performance review? I can think of a few individuals who might be temporarily...

6 min read
Holding Pattern
Patterns matter. Our daily rhythms, and the ideas that shape them, can help us choose to stay near to Jesus. We need to choose to stay...
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